Thursday, April 12, 2012

Working nights aka What day is today?

This week is the only week while I'm in Hong Kong that I work all 5 days. Which I'm now realizing is crazy. I have 2 days next week, 3 the week after and then 4 before heading back. It's Thursday... it is Thursday right?..and I'm finally feeling awake at the right time. Monday was a drag, but I'm told it's like that every Monday. Tuesday was better, but then Wednesday, right when I thought I was doing good, sinus' acted up. Ug. But, I slept and slept when I got home...Thursday, it isn't Thursday, it's Friday. You see what I mean? Anyway, before going to work Thursday night I got some British medicine :) seriously, the Union Jack is on the box. Anyway, I feel better, but not 100 percent. Then I'll have one more day of work and the weekend.
Everyone I work with has been really great. The area where we work is a maze of streets and buildings and I've only dared go out once on my own, and that is just to the 7-eleven. They're everywhere! Of course, getting out of the building isn't the hard part, finding the way back is. But the people are great to me. Taking me out to eat, sharing snacks and such. I got to work closer with some of them this week and get to know them. One is organizing a dinner for Saturday night in Kowloon City. Thai food :) Someone said to me today, 'I heard you like curry'. I guess word gets out ;) Although there should be a bulletin sent out that I know how to use chopsticks because everyone asks or is surprised that I can. It certainly is different traveling with locals though. I usually don't need to order the food, although I do get consulted most of the time. I had a bite of a pig's ear today. What did it taste like? I didn't really notice the taste so much as the texture. Imagine what it might be like to bite and chew on a pig's ear... got it? That's exactly what it's like. Very tough.
For those who have asked (you know who you are), what is it like to work nights... I still might not know. I think my experience will be different than what it really is. Bravo to those of you who can do it. I'm not sure its for me. Now that I'm staying with my friend instead of at a hostel in Causeway Bay, it sure is easier to sleep during the day. Birds are singing outside my window rather than construction and honking horns. I even watched people doing tai chi from my window.
Hope the sky clears up soon so I can check out some of these great views I've been hearing about. I think it's supposed to rain next week so maybe I'll hit a museum on my days off.

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