Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Today I walked to 'Central'. I thought I'd mix it up a bit and wear my jeans and sambas. I've learned over the years it's best to mix it up as far as foot wear goes when you're walking all day. Yesterday I wore capris and my flip flops. Today I thought I was going to melt. Another neat trick I've already picked up, is that there are certain places where there are breezes or are just cooler. By the water, for instance (yes, we knew that). So today when I was feeling over cooked, I found my way to the Central Pier. I had probably the worst Chicago Dog ever, but the biggest I've had. Yes, so far in terms of finding food myself, I'm not being very adventurous. Starbucks, melon ice cream, and hot dog. I have plenty of time to find that other stuff right? Anyway, as I meandered from the pier, I came across the giant Apple Store. No, Denise, they didn't sell giant apples. Anyway, as I was in need of an attachment for the outlets here, I ventured in. Yikes. But I made it out with what I needed. Then I wandered around through some malls. And we're talking shops like dior, manolo blahnik, marc jacobs, etc. I believe it was called Landmark. Then I wandered along the street, through H&M, ate mango ice cream, and back through another mall, with similar high brand names. Walked through a Lovely park, but was still melting. I finally got to the subway- I decided I could not walk back the two subway stops because they might find me in a puddle somewhere. But after I got off at my stop, it took me too long to get to my street. Wrong turn after wrong turn after wrong turn. I really should do better about recognizing landmarks. It really doesn't help that the same stores are on every other street. Anyway. I'm back to the hostel, and have the air conditioning running. I'll probably find something to eat (besides the lychee flavored mentos I bought) before heading to work. Hopefully all my systems will be go and I won't have to stay for long. After all, my hostel friends are planning to bar hop tonight. Ah, to pretend to be young again... seriously, one of them is 18!

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