Wednesday, May 29, 2013

How do we reform Oregon drivers???

If you live in Portland you know you've been a part of at least one conversation that included the phrase, "Why do people here drive so badly?" When I first moved here I was told they didn't have to take drivers ed so I thought it was a simple answer 'inbred driving',  the parents have to teach the children so they learn all their bad habits. I've been told since that there are driving courses so there goes my theory.

Of course long ago I joined the 'if you can't beat them join them' wagon and mostly I just contribute to the problem. Notice also that I don't drive much in Portland or elsewhere, (BTW is Seattle any better?)

I bring this up because today driving  on winding Slovenian roads I regained the driving pleasure Volkswagen used to tote (while driving a VW no less). The rule of 'stay right except to pass', coupled with what I assume is lax speed enforcement made for such a smooth drive that I truly enjoyed zooming in and out of traffic. I didn't mind seeing a car nearing in my rearview mirror, it just moved me into action to get around that slower vehicle even faster. Appropriately placed passing lanes and cars anticipating each other's moves, the whole experience seemed like one giant organism of traffic working together. 

Now back to my original question, how do we fix what Portland drivers have become? By now I'm sure we transplants outnumber the natives so it should be simple. I'll be out of the country for another week and a half so do some brainstorming and when I return we can implement the 'Re-ignite Your Driving Pleasure' campaign. Who's with me?

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